Postgraduate domestic students Application

Postgraduate Application - Domestic
Postgraduate Online Application Domestic

Welcome to Australian College of Christian Studies' online application page. We are excited that you've chosen to study with us!

The following enrolment process will take about 10 minutes to complete. Please read each question carefully before answering to ensure your answers are correct.

This process will start you on our enrolment process. After completing this form, you will be contacted within two working days by one of our staff to review your application, and to provide you with the next steps.
NOTE: All files being uploaded will require the file name to include the students name ... eg  billsmith_birthcertificate.pdf
I am applying to study at: *
I am applying to start study in: *
I am applying to start study in: *
I have read and understood the above policies relevant to me *

Basic Information

Gender *
Please upload certified copies of your passport or birth certificate *

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Contact Details

Residential Address

Current Residential Address *
Current Residential Address
Post Code

Postal Address

Postal address *
Postal Address *
Postal Address
Post Code

Emergency Contact

Emergency Contact Address *
Emergency Contact Address
Post Code

Background Details

Proof of Citizenship *

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Photo upload with proof of citizenship (ie, birth certificate, passport, visa, etc)
Citizenship Status *
Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent? *

Course Application

Which degree are you applying for? *
Which degree will you be applying for?
Which degree are you applying for? *
Which degree will you be applying for?
Study Load *
Part-time is defined at 5 or less subjects per year, and full-time is defined as 6 or more subjects per year.
Delivery Method *
Classroom-based students must be able to attend weekly classes in Burwood, NSW.
Will you be applying for FEE-HELP? *
Have you ever received FEE-Help? *

Personal Health

Do you have a disability, impairment or long-term medical condition? *
Disability Details
Would you like to receive advice on support services / facilities that may assist you? *
Do you have any learning challenges for which you would like to receive Academic Assistance? *
For example, English as a second language.

Educational Background

MUST complete in full. Mandatory information required by Australian Government for statistical purposes.

Parent / Guardian 1

Parent / Guardian 1
Parent 1 Highest level studied *

Parent / Guardian 2

Parent / Guardian 2
Parent 2 Highest level studied *

Your Studies

MUST complete in full. Your personal education level obtained.

What is the highest level of educational attainment? *

Tertiary Education

Provide all details that you know for any higher education you have done.

e.g. Bachelors, Masters
Please upload certified copies of your qualification *

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Secondary Schooling

Provide all details that you know.

Level left school * with the following value *
e.g. HSC, proof will need to be provided during interview
Please upload certified copies of your qualification *

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Additional Questions

Will you be applying for advanced standing? *
Advanced standing is gaining course credit for previous studies completed
On what basis are you seeking admission? *
Course Qualification Upload *

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

If multiple, please attach the highest level attained.

Character Details

Please provide the names and contact details of two people (not family members), one of which is your church minister or leader, who would be willing to give a character reference.
A written reference from one of these will need to be provided at a later date.

Referee 1

Referee must not be a family member

Referee 1 Address *
Referee 1 Address
Post Code

Referee 2

Referee must not be a family member

Referee 2 Address *
Referee 2 Address
Post Code

Other Information

Please upload a photo for use with your student card

Photo ID requirements

When creating student ID cards, Australian College of Christian Studies has a specific set of photo requirements that must be adhered to by students. The photo that you upload must:

  • Be of passport photo quality and standard
  • Be sharp and in focus
  • Clear, even lighting (no dark shadows or reflections)
  • Have a plain, light or white-coloured wall in the background
  • Have eyes open and visible (not obstructed by hair or glasses, no red eye)
  • For people who wear glasses, eyes must be seen clearly through glasses (no reflections)
  • Show natural skin tones (minimal make up only)
  • Show shoulders square-on and face looking straight into the camera (head is not tilted)
  • Show a neutral expression with closed mouth (not laughing or frowning)
  • No hats, headbands or other head covering (except for religious reasons)
  • No posing or signage etc
  • No Photoshop

You may use your phone to upload photos, but please make sure the picture satisfies the above points.

Photo ID (profile picture) *

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Personal Details

Current Employment Status *
If student as well as employed, please select only your employment status
Is your enrolment in this course related to your current employment?
How did you find out about the Australian College of Christian Studies? *

Please review the below information to ensure all information is correct.


I certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. If I am accepted as a student, I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the Australian College of Christian Studies

Privacy Information

Australian College of Christian Studies is committed to ensuring the confidentiality and security of the information provided to us. The personal information will only be used for academic and administrative purposes, which may include providing information to the Australian Government and Accreditation bodies.

The information provided in this form is accurate to the best of my knowledge: *

Maximum file size: 1MB