Getting Started

You have accepted your offer and are now ready to study at the ACCS, congratulations! So what next?

Sometimes its hard to know where to start, we are here to help and we will be with you every step of the way. Follow the steps below to begin.



Getting Setup

As a new student you will receive a student email, to be used as your login throughout ACCS’ websites, in your welcome email, you will be provided with a College email address and associated password. You will need this email throughout your studies, so please make sure you memorize it.

A follow up email will be sent to your Student email account providing access details to the Library system, it too uses your College email & password.

Access to your subject content in Moodle will require logging in at Moodle.


Enrolling in subjects

New students will be enrolled into subjects by our staff as part of their application.

For all trimesters after, students will be responsible for enrolling in subjects themselves.

Visit and navigate to Current Student Resources -> From the drop down table – select Subject Enrolment (Paradigm). You will need to login with the User name and password, provided when you first registered